Are you having trouble saving changes on your Divi website? It can be frustrating to spend time customizing your page or post, only to encounter an error when trying to save your work. But don’t worry, you’re not alone in facing this issue. Many Divi users have experienced the same problem.
Luckily, there are some effective ways to troubleshoot and resolve the “Divi builder not saving changes” error. Our team has encountered this issue multiple times, and we’ve discovered some helpful methods to overcome it.
If you’ve landed on this article feeling frustrated and unsure of what to do next, you’re in the right place. By the end of this post, we aim to have your problem solved. We’ve put together a comprehensive list of solutions and tips to guide you through resolving the “Your Save Has Failed” message in Divi.
In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to fix this frustrating error so you can get back to building and editing your website with ease. Let’s dive in and tackle this issue together.
Your Save Has Failed: Error Message
The error message “Your save has failed” appears on your screen, just like the screenshot below:
Your Save Has Failed Error Message
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Let’s break down the message you might see in Divi when encountering the “Your Save Has Failed” error. This message might seem lengthy and a bit confusing, but it’s crucial to pay attention to it because it contains important information that can help you understand what’s going wrong.
An error has occurred while saving your page. Various problems can cause a save to fail, such as a lack of server resources, firewall blockages, plugin conflicts or server misconfiguration. You can try saving again by clicking Try Again or download a backup of your unsaved page by clicking Download Backup. Backups can be restored using the portability system while editing your page.
Contacting your host and asking them to increase the following PHP variables may help: memory_limit, max_execution_time, upload_max_filesize, post_max_size, max_input_time, max_input_vars. In addition, auditing your firewall error log (such as ModSecurity) may reveal false positives preventing saves from completing.
Lastly, it is recommended that you temporarily disable all WordPress plugins and browser extensions and try to save again to determine if something is causing a conflict.
Firstly, let’s understand that the “Your Save Has Failed” message pops up when you’re trying to save your work in Divi. This can happen whether you’re hitting the save button yourself or if the system is trying to save changes automatically.
Imagine you’ve spent some time tweaking your website’s look or content in Divi, and just when you want to save those changes, this error message shows up. It can be frustrating, but we’ll walk through why this happens and how to fix it.
When you encounter this error, it’s basically the system saying, “Hey, I couldn’t save what you just did.” This can happen for various reasons, and it’s usually fixable with a few simple steps. Let’s break down the common issues and solutions to help you get past this hiccup and successfully save your work.
So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s dive into understanding and troubleshooting the “Save Has Failed” error in Divi.
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Unlocking Solutions for the ‘Save Has Failed’ Error in Divi
When dealing with the “Divi Builder not saving changes” issue, it’s helpful to break down the troubleshooting process into different factors. Let’s delve into each potential cause step by step to make the process easier to understand and follow. By identifying the specific factor affecting the Divi Builder’s ability to save changes, we can address the issue more effectively. So, let’s get started!
Insufficient Server Capacity: An Obstacle to Saving Changes
The first thing to check when you see the “Save Has Failed” error in Divi is if your server has enough resources to handle it. You can easily do this from your WordPress dashboard. Just go to Divi > Support Center > System Status. Here, you’ll see a report on your server resources. Look for any red dots – they indicate where things might be falling short.
If something related to PHP, like the PHP Memory Limit, is showing red and below the recommended value, that could be the problem. You’ll need to update these values from your hosting account. This might get a bit technical, so don’t hesitate to reach out to your hosting provider for help.
Once you’ve updated the values, make sure to flush your server cache. This ensures that any changes take effect properly. Checking and adjusting these settings can often fix the “Save Has Failed” error and get you back to smoothly editing your site with Divi.
Let’s simplify it! To make sure your website runs smoothly with Divi, you need to check if your server meets certain requirements. Here’s a quick checklist:
- PHP Version = 7.4 minimum (8.0+ recommended).
- Database = MySQL version 5.7 or higher; MariaDB version 10.2 or higher.
- WordPress version = 5.3 or higher.
- WordPress memory_limit = 128M
- memory_limit 256M
- post_max_size 128M
- max_execution_time 300
- upload_max_filesize 64M
- max_input_time 600
- max_input_vars 6000
To fix this issue, you’ll need to access your hosting account through cPanel. This is where you can adjust the system requirements. But remember, each hosting company might have a different setup for this, so the exact steps can vary.
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If you’re on shared hosting, you might not have the ability to change these settings yourself. In that case, you’ll need to reach out to your hosting provider’s support team for assistance. They’ll be able to help you adjust the PHP variables needed to resolve the problem.
Addressing Firewall Restrictions
Sometimes, another reason for the “Save Has Failed” error could be due to firewall blockages. This typically happens if you’re using a hosting service like Bluehost or GoDaddy, or if your host uses cPanel. These services often have a security feature called ModSecurity, which can misinterpret the requests Divi sends, mistaking them for potential security threats and blocking them. When this occurs, the saving process in Divi gets halted, resulting in the error message. You can usually spot this issue by checking the browser’s Console for errors, which you can access by right-clicking on any page, selecting “inspect,” and then going to the Console tab.
To fix this, you’ll need to either contact your hosting provider to disable ModSecurity or do it yourself if you have access to cPanel. If you’re using cPanel, you can log in, navigate to the Security section, and find the ModSecurity option to turn it off.
Another possibility is that a security plugin like WordFence might be causing the blockage. If you’re using WordFence, try enabling a feature called WordFence Learning Mode, which can help. You could also try disabling any security plugins temporarily to see if that resolves the issue.
If turning off security plugins doesn’t work or if you don’t have any installed, it’s worth reaching out to your hosting company. They may have security software in place on their servers that’s causing the problem. Ask them to check their logs to identify any issues, and they might be able to adjust their security settings to allow Divi to save properly.
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Troubleshoot Plugins or Child Theme Conflict
Check for Plugin Conflict
Sometimes, the “Save Has Failed” error can be caused by conflicting plugins. This happens when two or more plugins on your website don’t work well together, making it difficult to save your work.
How to Fix It?
- Safe Mode: You can try enabling “Safe Mode” to see if the problem persists. This mode disables other third-party plugins, helping you identify if there’s a conflict.
- Disable Plugins: Another method is to temporarily deactivate all your plugins. If everything works fine without them, then a plugin is likely the culprit. You can then activate each plugin one by one and check if the issue reoccurs. The last plugin you activated before the problem resurfaced is probably the one causing the conflict.
- Troubleshoot or Replace: Once you identify the problematic plugin, you have two options:
- Troubleshoot the plugin to see if you can fix the issue.
- Replace the plugin with an alternative that doesn’t cause conflicts.
Tip: You can use a plugin like “Health Check & Troubleshooting” to help identify any issues with your plugins more easily.
Check for Child Theme Conflict
Similar to plugins, a child theme can also cause saving issues. This happens when there’s a disruption between the files of your child theme and the main theme (parent theme), preventing your edits from being saved.
How to Fix It?
- Re-enable the Parent Theme: Switch back to using the main Divi theme instead of your child theme. This way, any potential conflicts caused by the child theme’s files will be eliminated.
- Cross-Check Child Theme Files: If you no longer experience issues saving your work after reverting to the parent theme, it’s likely a conflict with your child theme. You can then review and compare the files in your child theme to see what might be causing the problem
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Troubleshooting Code Error Problems
Often, when you’re working with Divi websites and trying to add extra functionality or style with code snippets, there’s a chance you might run into errors. This usually happens because of mistakes we make while adding code using the code module or advanced tabs in other modules, especially if you’re a beginner. These errors in the code can mess things up and stop your page from saving changes properly in the Divi builder. Let’s take a look at some common issues that cause these coding errors:
Check Syntax Error In CSS Code
Syntax errors in CSS code can cause disruptions to the styling of your website. These errors often stem from punctuation mistakes like missing semicolons or parentheses, as well as misspelled variables or statements. When CSS code is misconfigured, it can interfere with the appearance of other elements on your page.
Fixing Method
To fix this issue, you can start by removing all custom CSS code from your Divi website. You can do this by going to your WordPress dashboard, navigating to Divi > Theme Options > General > Custom CSS. Once there, remove all the custom code. If removing the code resolves the problem, you can then add your custom codes back one by one to identify the culprit.
Another approach is to enable “Safe Mode,” which disables all custom codes on your end without affecting how your website appears to visitors. This allows you to isolate the syntax error without disrupting the user experience. However, keep in mind that enabling Safe Mode may also disable other plugins, making it harder to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem.
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Check Syntax Error In HTML Code
Syntax errors can also occur in HTML code, blocking you from saving your edits. To troubleshoot this, you should check all the HTML codes on your page. One method is to remove all modules and widgets that contain HTML code, then gradually reintroduce them one by one until you identify the problematic one.
Fixing Method
In summary, syntax errors in CSS and HTML code, as well as problematic shortcodes, can disrupt the functionality of your Divi website. By systematically troubleshooting and identifying the source of the issue, you can ensure a smooth editing experience.
Additional Suggestions, Tips, and Solutions
Sometimes, the ‘Save Has Failed’ issue in Divi can be due to various reasons beyond the standard recommendations. Here are some tips and tricks I’ve gathered from my own experiences and conversations with other Divi users:
- Session Timeout: If you’ve left the Visual Builder idle for too long, your session might time out, causing the save to fail. Always remember to exit the Visual Builder when you’re not actively working on a page.
- WordPress Idle User Logout: WordPress automatically logs out idle users for security reasons. If you don’t save within the logout time interval, WordPress might log you out, leading to the save failed issue. You can adjust this timeout with a plugin if needed.
- Saving Theme Builder Template From Post/Page: If you’re working in the Visual Builder on a page with a Theme Builder template applied and encounter the error when switching between the post content and template areas, try clicking back into the post body area before saving.
- Try Again: Sometimes, a simple retry might work unexpectedly. If the first attempt fails, give it another shot.
- Close Page, Open URL In New Tab: Closing the browser tab and reopening the URL can sometimes resolve the issue, as it might be a false positive.
- VPN: Using a VPN might cause conflicts leading to the save failed problem, so try disabling it if you’re using one.
- Network Connection: A loss of internet connection can also trigger the save failed issue, so ensure you have a stable connection.
- Emojis, Code Modules, Shortcodes: Pages containing emojis, code modules, or shortcodes might encounter save failures. Consider removing or modifying them to see if it resolves the issue.
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- SEO Plugins: Certain SEO plugins like Rankmath, Yoast, or All-In-One SEO could conflict with Divi, potentially causing save failures. Try disabling them temporarily to see if it helps.
- Avoid Duplicate Divi: Having both the Divi Theme and Divi Builder plugin installed simultaneously can lead to conflicts. Ensure you have only one installed.
- Avoid Editing From Frontend And Backend Simultaneously: Editing the same page in both the Visual Builder and backend WordPress editor simultaneously might cause conflicts.
- Check The Console Errors: Use browser tools to check for any console errors, which could provide insights into the issue.
- Restore From Revisions: If all else fails, you might still be able to recover your changes from the revision history in the backend.
- Patience When Saving: Wait for the save button to change back to ‘Save’ after making changes before exiting the Visual Builder.
- Do Not Interrupt Saving: Avoid interrupting the saving process by switching tabs or clicking elsewhere.
- Clear Cache: Lastly, clearing your site’s cache, including Divi’s static CSS cache, might help resolve the issue.
By trying these suggestions, you may be able to troubleshoot and resolve the ‘Save Has Failed’ error in Divi.
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Navigating the “Save Has Failed” error in Divi can feel like a frustrating roadblock, but armed with the right knowledge and solutions, you can overcome it. Throughout this guide, we’ve explored various factors that could contribute to this issue and provided step-by-step troubleshooting methods to help you resolve it effectively.
From addressing server capacity limitations to tackling firewall restrictions and identifying plugin conflicts, we’ve covered a wide range of potential causes and solutions. Whether it’s adjusting PHP variables, disabling security features like ModSecurity, or troubleshooting individual plugins and child themes, there are multiple avenues to explore in your quest to resolve the error.
Additionally, we’ve delved into common coding errors and provided tips for optimizing your workflow to minimize the likelihood of encountering the error in the future. By implementing these strategies and staying proactive in maintaining your Divi website, you can ensure smoother editing experiences and fewer interruptions due to save failures.
Remember, troubleshooting technical issues like the “Save Has Failed” error requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to explore different solutions. By following the guidance outlined in this comprehensive guide and leveraging the collective wisdom of the Divi community, you’ll be better equipped to overcome challenges and unlock the full potential of your Divi-powered website.
So, next time you encounter the “Save Has Failed” error in Divi, don’t despair. Instead, refer back to this guide, roll up your sleeves, and tackle the issue head-on. With determination and the right approach, you’ll soon be back to creating stunning websites with Divi without any save-related hiccups.
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