I’ve done a lot of experimenting with background images. If used correctly a background image can make your content more enjoyable to read and more eye-catching. They’re great for placing behind your Divi layouts. In this article we’ll take a look at 13 free background images to use on your next Divi website.
Images can affect how your readers interpret your content and can help set the mood. The key is to find the right colors and settings that help explain your website without being so distracting that they get in the way of your content. Background images aren’t meant to be the main focus. Instead, they support the content and can be used artistically.
The images are from Unsplash.com and can be used for free for personal and commercial uses without having to provide photo credit or asking permission. Now on to the images…
1. Path to Light
Mountain scenes often display a range of color. This one includes dark browns and greens, as well as a wide range of white and gray. There are only a few colors, but they work together perfectly. It makes me want to travel or play a game.
2. Northern Lights
The purple and green starry sky creates an interesting range of color that ends with trees in shadow, grounding the image and creating an excellent backdrop for the footer’s content. It makes me want to go camping with a telescope.
3. Ocean with Rock
Ocean scenes are great for texture and their rich blues. I like the way the sun reflects off the surface with all of the little ripples, creating thousands of small shadows. This one includes a rock with shadow to peek through some layouts or help ground the site.
4. Flower with Bee
Flowers can be used lots of ways within backgrounds. This one has a wide range of bright and deep color that moves from red to yellow. Images like this one are great for weddings, something artistic, or anything feminine.
5. We Walk Together
Fall provides us with beautiful natural colors. This one includes lots of color and ends with a dark tree root that can help lead into your footer. The people walking together works great for any type of site that focuses on people and relationships.
6. Books
Although this one has lots of cream with touches of orange, brown, and gold, it provides vertical texture rather than color. The vertical lines include book pages and covers with both shadow and light. It’s a great choice for anyone that likes books.
7. Brick Texture
Brick is solid and strong. It also provides lots of textures with just a few colors. It’s a great choice to set the mood and create an atmosphere of safety.
8. Hamburg
I love the dark and rich colors in this one. It doesn’t have a variety of color, but it does have some interesting architecture, lighting, and reflections. Even the sky has soothing warm tones. It’s a good choice for any site that uses limited but rich colors.
9. London Light
This one includes a combination of bokeh, blur, and reflection with a mixture of blue, red, purple, green, yellow, and black to create interesting textures. The ripples in the water almost work like clouds where you can see shapes if you look long enough.
10. Violin Player
Musical instruments are great for creating a soothing and relaxing atmosphere. They can bring to mind warm and bright notes that can fit with almost any topic. No matter what the situation, there’s music to match. I can hear it just by seeing this image.
11. Event
This one uses a dark background with enough light to see the hands reaching for the stage. It would work great for any type of event, music, or Church site where the audience responds with excitement.
12. Strawberries
Strawberries provides lots of texture along with rich red and green colors. This type of image works great for restaurants and food bloggers.
13. Pink Hair
Fashion sites and bloggers appreciate images that make fashion statements and this one delivers. Aside from providing pink against a gray background with light and shadow, the hair also provides motion.
Closing Thoughts
These 13 images would look great behind Divi layouts. Some of the colors may be too bright for every purpose, but thanks to Divi’s new background tool you can shade them with overlays or gradients to suit your purpose.
We’d like to hear from you. Which of these are you favorites? Let us know in the comments.